Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today's thoughts

April 8, 2009

As I woke this morning and saw the sun come up, I thought about all of the wonderful things God has done for our family. I wonder what He'll do today? What is a day like from God's perspective? He has no beginning and no end, right? Does He watch the sun rise on one side of the world while it sets on another and say to himself, "I wonder who will blaspheme my name today." or maybe He just sits and watches since He already knows what the day or night will bring.

His incredible, all knowing deity is around us daily and we sometimes go about our lives oblivious to His work in the world. He allowed my cancer and that of others to happen for a reason. He allowed me to be healed while allowing someone else to succomb to the disease. Why did he choose to allow me to live? We may not always know what his purpose is for what happens to us, but one look at nature and you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is always in control.

I know, through many events throughout my life that I would not be here had it not been for divine intervention. I know I probably wouldn't have met my wonderful wife had God not been in control of it. There are at least a dozen circumstances that had to fall into place perfectly in order for me to meet my wife, who God brought into my Kansas town all the way from Egypt. He knew she was the person for me; my soulmate. He knew that my weaknesses were her strengths and vice-versa. He knew that she would be the rock that I needed while we battled cancer and He knew she would be the selfless, loving person she is to me in my many selfish moments.

He is in control on whether we will be allowed to adopt this wonderful little boy in Taiwan or whether I will have a safe drive home from work tonight. We just pray that, if we aren't meant to adopt him, that God will provide a loving family for him.

Have a great day knowing God is watching over you!

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