Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Beginning

I just started this blog today. My goal through this is to provide a little insight into the events which led us to adoption.
We have been asked what led us to decide to adopt and why we chose international adoption as opposed to domestic. The events which brought us to adoption aren't your typical story.
We have a biological son who will turn six in May 2009. In 2005 as we were planning to provide a biological sibling for him, I was diagnosed with cancer. Needless to say, surgery and chemotherapy left us unable to have another biological child. It's really ironic how God works, because the idea of adoption had never entered our thoughts prior to this. As we spoke with specialists to see if it would be possible to ever have a "child of our own" again, God was at work in our church by providing families with children from throughout the world. It was during this time we learned of an adoption program called Keleidescope Ministry that developed within our church. There were families who had adopted previously; both domestic and internationally in the group. As we looked into the ministry further, we felt God tugging at our hearts and, as they say, the rest is history. As we reasearched the different countries, we decided on Taiwan. We came to this decision because we love the Asian culture and Taiwan specifically due to few countries allowing adoption following cancer survivorship.

We are excited to see where God leadsd us on this journey.

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