Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our Referral

Sorry I haven't had the opportunity to begin this blog at the beginning of our journey, but I will do my best to keep updates flowing during the remainder of it.
We received our referral from Cathwel on March 27, 2009. It came from Cathwel directly rather than from the birth mother, so we will had to wait to see if we were the first to respond.

April 2, 2009
We found out that Cathel is waiting to get ahold of the birth mother of this darling little boy to approve us adopting him. He will be two years old on September 3, so we're hoping for a speedy process and will do everything we can to bring him home by his birthday. We have a picture of him posted on our refridgerator and our son looks at it constantly. He has already begun talking about sharing his stuff with his little brother. He will make and awesome big brother!
Our prayers go out to all who are still waiting to hear and for those who have just begun the process.

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