Wednesday, April 22, 2009

God, give me patience

April 22, 2009

As I've mentioned before, I'm not a patient person. I realize I'm being tested through this, and it's hard.

I spoke with the Executive Director of the agency we're going through Sunday at church and a comment she made gave me some hope. She said they were hopeing to get our paperwork from Taiwan this week sometime. Being the ever optimist, I took that to mean she knows something we don't. regarldess of what God has in store for us, I know he also has a plan for this little boy waiting for his forever home. I think the worst par tfor me is knowing these children are sitting in orphanges and foster homes, soemtimes for years, without knowing what it's truly like to have a family of their own.

I am the third oldest of nine children. I had a sense of where I belonged. I had my family that I knew would always be "my family" for better or worse. These children don't have that feeling. They may feel loved and are cared for, but they have a future that is in limbo. I sometimes sit and wonder, "What is this child doing right now?" or "What did he do today? Did he think about having a family that truly devoted their life to protecting him, caring for him and giving the unconditional love that only a parent can provide?"

i pray today, as every day, that if God's plan is to have this child in our family, we would be honored. If he, however, decides that it isn't to be, that this sweet little boy will be brought home soon to a loveing, caring family.

1 comment:

  1. I'll keep your family in my prayers that you will receive word any day now!!! hang in there, this is the toughest part of the journey is the waiting.

    take care,


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