Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good News!

I just got an email fromour adoption agency telling us our adoption of Chi has been approved. We will be signing the adoption placement agreement today. There are a few things which I'm not too sure about though.

We're excited to begin the next step of the adoption process!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

God, give me patience

April 22, 2009

As I've mentioned before, I'm not a patient person. I realize I'm being tested through this, and it's hard.

I spoke with the Executive Director of the agency we're going through Sunday at church and a comment she made gave me some hope. She said they were hopeing to get our paperwork from Taiwan this week sometime. Being the ever optimist, I took that to mean she knows something we don't. regarldess of what God has in store for us, I know he also has a plan for this little boy waiting for his forever home. I think the worst par tfor me is knowing these children are sitting in orphanges and foster homes, soemtimes for years, without knowing what it's truly like to have a family of their own.

I am the third oldest of nine children. I had a sense of where I belonged. I had my family that I knew would always be "my family" for better or worse. These children don't have that feeling. They may feel loved and are cared for, but they have a future that is in limbo. I sometimes sit and wonder, "What is this child doing right now?" or "What did he do today? Did he think about having a family that truly devoted their life to protecting him, caring for him and giving the unconditional love that only a parent can provide?"

i pray today, as every day, that if God's plan is to have this child in our family, we would be honored. If he, however, decides that it isn't to be, that this sweet little boy will be brought home soon to a loveing, caring family.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Still waiting

God is really trying to teach me patience through this entire adoption process. He knows how impatient I am and knows this is a real test for me. But, I know he is sovereign nad in control of all.

It has been nearly a week since we were told that Cathwel was trying to meet with Chi's birth mother to aprove our adopting him and still no word. i know the process takes time, but I think it make sit harder knowing that Taipei is 14 hours ahead of us and that each day we wake with no word, we know it will most likely be at least two more days until we hear anything. It's very unnerving.
All we can do is continue to pray and trust that everything will work out the way it's meant to.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today's thoughts

April 8, 2009

As I woke this morning and saw the sun come up, I thought about all of the wonderful things God has done for our family. I wonder what He'll do today? What is a day like from God's perspective? He has no beginning and no end, right? Does He watch the sun rise on one side of the world while it sets on another and say to himself, "I wonder who will blaspheme my name today." or maybe He just sits and watches since He already knows what the day or night will bring.

His incredible, all knowing deity is around us daily and we sometimes go about our lives oblivious to His work in the world. He allowed my cancer and that of others to happen for a reason. He allowed me to be healed while allowing someone else to succomb to the disease. Why did he choose to allow me to live? We may not always know what his purpose is for what happens to us, but one look at nature and you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is always in control.

I know, through many events throughout my life that I would not be here had it not been for divine intervention. I know I probably wouldn't have met my wonderful wife had God not been in control of it. There are at least a dozen circumstances that had to fall into place perfectly in order for me to meet my wife, who God brought into my Kansas town all the way from Egypt. He knew she was the person for me; my soulmate. He knew that my weaknesses were her strengths and vice-versa. He knew that she would be the rock that I needed while we battled cancer and He knew she would be the selfless, loving person she is to me in my many selfish moments.

He is in control on whether we will be allowed to adopt this wonderful little boy in Taiwan or whether I will have a safe drive home from work tonight. We just pray that, if we aren't meant to adopt him, that God will provide a loving family for him.

Have a great day knowing God is watching over you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our Referral

Sorry I haven't had the opportunity to begin this blog at the beginning of our journey, but I will do my best to keep updates flowing during the remainder of it.
We received our referral from Cathwel on March 27, 2009. It came from Cathwel directly rather than from the birth mother, so we will had to wait to see if we were the first to respond.

April 2, 2009
We found out that Cathel is waiting to get ahold of the birth mother of this darling little boy to approve us adopting him. He will be two years old on September 3, so we're hoping for a speedy process and will do everything we can to bring him home by his birthday. We have a picture of him posted on our refridgerator and our son looks at it constantly. He has already begun talking about sharing his stuff with his little brother. He will make and awesome big brother!
Our prayers go out to all who are still waiting to hear and for those who have just begun the process.

The Beginning

I just started this blog today. My goal through this is to provide a little insight into the events which led us to adoption.
We have been asked what led us to decide to adopt and why we chose international adoption as opposed to domestic. The events which brought us to adoption aren't your typical story.
We have a biological son who will turn six in May 2009. In 2005 as we were planning to provide a biological sibling for him, I was diagnosed with cancer. Needless to say, surgery and chemotherapy left us unable to have another biological child. It's really ironic how God works, because the idea of adoption had never entered our thoughts prior to this. As we spoke with specialists to see if it would be possible to ever have a "child of our own" again, God was at work in our church by providing families with children from throughout the world. It was during this time we learned of an adoption program called Keleidescope Ministry that developed within our church. There were families who had adopted previously; both domestic and internationally in the group. As we looked into the ministry further, we felt God tugging at our hearts and, as they say, the rest is history. As we reasearched the different countries, we decided on Taiwan. We came to this decision because we love the Asian culture and Taiwan specifically due to few countries allowing adoption following cancer survivorship.

We are excited to see where God leadsd us on this journey.