Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our monthly update

September 23, 2009

As I mentioned in my last posting, we sent Noah a package for his second birthday. Among the items in the package were some photos of us, his new family.

Last week we received our monthly update which included four new photos and the one-page update on how he is doing. It brought tears to our eyes when we read that he asks to see the photos daily and calls us mama, papa and gege (brother in Mandrin). We are counting the days until we bring him home. He is already such a part of our family and we haven't even met him yet. God must know the things we still need to get done to be completely ready to bring him home.

We have been keeping ourselves busy getting a lot of work done both inside and outside our yard. The biggest task has been installing a gate at teh back of our yard giving us access to the fire pit we built back by the creek and making sure we won't have any extra things to do once we bring him home, leaving our time to be devoted to him. It's funny because my Rasha is usually the one who gets anxious about things. I have found myself getting anxious when it comes to our wait; sometimes more so then her. It's great we have each other and Gabriel to retain our sanity.

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