Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's finally here!

Well, the day has arrived for us to travel to bring Noah home. We leave tomorrow morning, Lord willing. We are supposed to leave Kansas City at 9:00 Christmas morning and head north to Minneapolis, Minnesota. It's nerve wracking since in addition to the last minute packing, I am a little concerned about the weather, but know God will work everything out to His purpose.

We are meeting with my (Tom's) family tonight to celebrate Christmas and hope to try to get at least a little sleep tonight. I'm filled with so many thoughts and feelings ranging from little things like the trip itself to how well Noah will adjust to a new family, culture and life. We are so blessed to be allowed this opportunity and look forward to every chance we have to learn about the Taiwan culture, language, etc.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and can't wait to watch as God works with all of the orphaned children in the world to bring them home to their forever families.

God Bless!


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