Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Still waiting, but excited!

May 26, 2009

Well, we celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary Sunday. It was a solemn one knowing we were preparing for our new son, but not quite sure exactly when he will "officially" be ours. It looks like we'll be traveling during the school year in the Fall, most likely. That means pulling our son from school to travel, but we won't let him miss the opportunity to travel with us to bring his brother home.

We have been tossing a few names around and really like Noah for his American name. It's not set in stone, but at this point we like it the best. He does look like a Noah and we like the Biblical meaning as well; rest, comfort. I personally like this becasue he will bring to rest our hearts which long for a second child, a brother for our son.

I think through this entire process we have found that the majority of people don't understand what it's like to go through something like this. We, unlike many people adopting, have experienced having a biological child. I think it gives us a better understanding of what others go through knowing you can't have a child on your own. In our situation, we were planning on having another biological child. Actually in May 2005 we were planning on trying for a second child. Evidently God had other plans for us. I honestly don't think I would have ever thought about adoption if God hadn't brought my cancer diagnosis in April 2005; one month before we had planned on adding to our family.

I don't regret the cancer and I don't regret going through the chemotherapy, monthly lab work and bi-monthly Cat Scans over the next 3 1/2 years. What I do constantly think about is that my wife can't have a child because of my diagnosis. She knows she can't get pregnant becasue of me. Don't get me wrong, she would never mention it or even blame anyone. That's not her way. I always wonder when I see her around our family and friends who are able to have children at will if she's thinking about it. I also know how tactless some people can be talking to her and mentioning every few minutes about their pregnancy. She would never say anything to them. She's a much better person than most people, including myself. Even while we were waiting to hear if we were accepted as his parents, my prayers were for God's will to be done by bringing this child to us. Hers were more specific. As I was trying to be selfish, wanting this child to be ours, she prayed that if this child wasn't meant to be ours, that God would provide a loving home for him regardless of who it was with. She has been selfless since the day I met her and would sacrifice herself without a second thought to save soemone she loves. That is the kind of woman God provided for me. That is the woman I married. That is the woman I love.

I pray daily for God to give her peace as only He can. I pray that God will bring our son home soon.

Enough for now.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things are happining!

May 19, 2009

It has been a few days since I last left an update.

We had such a fun week last week celebrating our son's sixth birthday. It made me think as we we watched him with his friends at the zoo that he will get to celebrate his seventh birthday as a big brother. He has been wanting a brother since he was three years old; how patient he's been for three years. Daily I see God working in him, helping him grow so he can be the example he will need to be for his little brother.

In his Taekwondo class last night, Gabriel showed his maturity by following his teacher's instruction rather than disrupt the class as a few other children did. It really makes me proud as a father to see him becoming such a young man at only six years old while still retaining his playful, innocent side.

The last week has seen God showing us that He is continuing to work in and through us and that He is in control of everything happening around us. I am blessed to be part of a family in which we all realize our roles are to help and suppport each other. None of us are center stage, but we all play supporting roles to make our family what it is.

I am so thankful that our new son, (we still haven't decided on an American name - although we are narrwoing it down) will come to a famaily that loves him unconditionally and will always do all they can to provide for him.

Saturday we're going to choose the paint for his room. We already have everything else ready, so this is very exciting.

We can't wait to bring him home!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Preparations have begun

May 7, 2009

While we're waiting for the legal papers to arrive from Taiwan, we've begun to get Chi's room ready. We can't wait to add him to our family.

I think the biggest blessing is coming from our son. In the last few days he has really stepped up and become even more of a help to us than before. We have noticed a change in him and, at six-years-old (next week), it's really impressive. I know he wants to be a great help to us and his little brother. He has gone above his normal chores and offered to do more to help. He also wants to spend time in his brother's room instead of playing in his own.

God is really good to us and every day we see how He completely cares for His children and provides.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Introducing (Updated)

May 1, 2009

We are so excited to introduce Chi-siang, our new son. We will be giving him an American name while still keeping him birth name in the mix. We were told it should be between 3-6 months when will travel to bring him home.

Our biological son is so excited to be getting a little brother!

I pray God keeps him safe and prepares him for the culture change of bringing him to the US.

One step Closer...I just dropped the Adoption Placement Agreement off at the agency. WE can't wait to bringhim home!